
Responsible Gambling

Account Safety and Terms and Conditions

Protection of minors

As the French regulation prohibits minors (persons under 18 years of age) from accessing its products, we will always ask you to justify your age during the registration process. We will also initiate an automatic identification procedure immediately after registration, which requires the production of a copy of an ID document before the first withdrawal, and no later than 30 days after registration of your bank details.

When in doubt on the age of a player, bwin reserves the right to ask you to prove you age at any time and to suspend the activity of your account until the situation is clarified.

We would also like to point out to parents/guardians that gambling is not like any other game and that a minor, even with their consent, is not allowed to play on our bwin site. If you know someone under the age of 18 who is registered with us, please contact us immediately via this form.

If you have dependent children, we therefore recommend that you:

  • Install content control software (or web filters) to block access to online gambling sites;
  • Not leave the gambling page open if they leave the computer;
  • Keep their passwords and usernames secret;
  • Explain the law regarding gambling, the risks of early initiation and the dangers caused by gambling additions;
  • Keep their credit cards and other electronic payment means out of reach of their children.

In addition to the safety procedures described above, you might want to consider Parental control software to block gambling sites from under 18s. An examples list of secure software is available here.

Finally, it should be noted that the National Gaming Authority (ANJ) has a leading role in providing advice to parents/guardians, enabling them to understand, discuss and protect their children from gambling practices. In this context, the ANJ asked the Harris Interactive Institute to carry out a study on the role of the family in the initiation of children to gambling, of which you will find the link to the report here and the note here.

Following this study, the ANJ and the UNAF have joined forces to provide advice to parents on how to deal with the issue of gambling with their children. You can also find a link to the regulator's advice to parents on how to deal with the issue of gambling with their children here.

This page was last reviewed and updated: July 2021