Responsible Gambling
If you have a complaint or claim regarding any problem with the services or any other activity, you should submit it to us in writing as soon as reasonably possible after the date of the original transaction to which the complaint or claim relates. You are required to provide a minimum amount of personal information, as well as a description of the facts, the reason of the complaint and corroborating evidence. We will answer you as soon as possible after analysis of the case submitted.
Complaints can be submitted to
Please find more information about our complaint and claim procedure on this in Article 22. RECLAMATIONS/MEDIATIONS of our General Terms and Conditions.
Médiateur des jeux en ligne
The Médiateur des jeux en ligne is a public mediation service, open to any consumer or player regarding the settlement of disputes with an operator licensed by the ANJ.
The Médiateur des jeux en ligne can only be referred as a last resort, once the procedures provided for in 22.1 and 22.2 of the General Terms and Conditions have been exhausted.
You can contact or send your complaint online using the special form on the Médiateur des jeux en ligne ´s website at https://mediateurdesjeuxenligne.fror by post (by filling in the online form) to the following address. Médiateur des jeux en ligne - 99-101, rue Leblanc 75015 Paris – France.
This page was last reviewed and updated: June 2020